We joyfully care for and harvest the trees (and shrubs and vines!) that feed and shade our community.


Spring Fundraiser April 20-June 30!


Donation match!


Freeya Pro!


Spring Fundraiser April 20-June 30! 〰️ Donation match! 〰️ Freeya Pro! 〰️


PFTP Events Calendar

Volunteer Opportunities:

New Service! PDXFruitTreeTips!

Give a fig about picking fresh fruit and foraging whats currently currant in PDX? Opt into our text PDXFruit and get tips about what's ripening, how to know when to pick it and how to use it.
Our Fruity information will guide you through the season in our unique PacNW climate.

Messages will begin in July! Join now and be ready for a great harvest season!


Harvest Season is Near!

Register your trees! Early information helps us plan and get to more fruit!

Not sure if we harvest/donate what you grow? Feel free to email us with questions!

Prefer to harvest on your own and share the fruit? Check out our handy Fruit Fridge!

It can’t happen without volunteers! Join us!


“CharFruitTree Boards” Still Available

Did you miss the event, or just not get a board, and you wish you were in the limited group that got one? We have a few gorgeous boards made by Tree to Table PDX still available for sale, and you can watch the recap video here!




Our Impact

Value of fruit donated to food distribution organizations: $889,966

Pounds of fruit harvested: 447,219

Volunteers engaged: 11,995

Trees harvested: 4,236

Harvesting events coordinated: 947

Community Orchards co-created: 6


Ready to help?


