Tree-Planting Volunteer Opportunity!
Are you interested in volunteering with Portland fruit tree project sooner than later?
This is an upcoming opportunity to volunteer planting trees in Portland neighborhoods this March!
Portland Fruit Tree Project will be planting fruit trees in east Portland and we need your help to get the job done!
Mark your calendars for March 11 for our fruit-tree planting extravaganza!
This is our BIG one-day event to plant and index 80 fruit trees in Portland! You don’t need any prior experience, but we do ask you take the time to read our tips for planting guide which you will receive as part of your registration.
ALSO: Calling all tree-planting and irrigation-install “experts” (in this case “expert” means: folks who have at least a little experience with above-ground irrigation)! We need you! Each of our teams will need a few lead volunteers who have done this kind of thing before to help assist others in getting it done right!
Fruit Tree Planting with PFTP!
Portland Fruit Tree Project is planting fruit trees! March 11 is the day. Sign up to volunteer with us to plant new fruit trees throughout Portland this winter!
Sign up link here: or for the Bike Zone here:
Volunteers Needed!
Do you have any expertise in irrigation? We need you! We’ll be planting trees, but also installing irrigation for all of the fruit trees we plant. If you do, please let us know, email if you can help lead teams with irrigation! Or, want to share other fruit-tree planting expertise to help make our tree-planting extravaganza a success!
And so, what do we mean when we say “getting it done right”?
This is a project we are working on in collaboration with One Tree Planted, an organization that is working with local organizations across the United States to plant more trees in cities. But, this isn’t a “set it and forget it” project. This requires planning—and well—doing it right! Meaning: planting the trees so they will flourish and thrive in their particular environments are well-watered and will be taken care of for years to come. This will mean more fruit in the yards where we plant them—for people, animals and insects! It will also mean more shady spots for the aforementioned people, animals and insects—including our precious bees and butterflies to rest, especially in increasingly hotter temperatures during the summers here in Portland.
Sounds good, right? This March is the beginning of a really special opportunity to make an impact for years to come in Portland. If this sounds like something you’d like to be a part of, mark your calendar for March 11! And if you’re committed to being a part of it, or have particular expertise, email so we know who we can count on to make this tree-planting extravaganza a success!